Text to ASCII

Text to ASCII

Free Text to ASCII Converter - Convert a String to ASCII Code

ASCII, or the American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is a character encoding standard for electronic communications. ASCII codes represent text in computers, telecommunications equipment, and other devices. The ASCII code was developed in the early 1960s by the "American Standards Association" committee or "ASA", the agency changed its name in 1969 to "American National Standards Institute" or "ANSI" as it has been known ever since.

What is ASCII Code?

ASCII code is a character encoding standard for electronic communication. ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Computers can store and retrieve data in memory using ASCII codes. This allows computers to exchange information with each other.

Examples of ASCII code

As we've seen, ASCII code is a way of representing characters as numbers. But what does this actually look like in practice? Let's look at some examples of ASCII code.

Suppose we want to display the word "hello" in ASCII code. We would start by looking up the ASCII code for each letter in the word:

h: 104
e: 101
l: 108
l: 108
o: 111

Then we would put these numbers together to get the final ASCII code for "hello". shapes: 104 101 108 108 111. Easy!

Now let's try something more complicated. Suppose we want to represent the following sentence in ASCII code: "The fast brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."Here's how we would do it:

T: 84 h: 104 e: 101 q: 113 h: 117 i: 105 c: 99 k: 107 b: 98 r: 114 o: 111 w: 119 n:: 110 f: : 102 o:: 111 x: : 120 y:: 106 h:: 117 m:: 109 p:: 112 s:: 115 o:: 111 v:: 118 e:: 101 r:: 114 t:: 116 h::104 e ::101 l ::108 a ::97 z ::122 y ::121 d ::100 o ::111

How to convert text to ASCII code

If you want to convert text to ASCII code, all you need is a simple online tool like this one. Just paste your text into the box and click "convert" for the ASCII code in seconds.

It really is that easy! Now you can convert your text data into ASCII code that can be used for programming or other purposes. Try it today!

What is Text to ASCII Converter?

The Text to ASCII Converter is a tool that allows you to convert a string of text into ASCII code. It is simple and easy to use, just paste your text into the box and click "convert" for the ASCII code in seconds. This online tool is great for translating text into ASCII code so it can be used in web programming or other applications.

How to use this text to ASCII converter

This converter takes any text and converts it to ASCII code. Just paste your text into the box and click "convert". Within seconds you will have the ASCII code for your text.

What is the purpose of a text to ASCII converter?

The purpose of a text to ASCII converter is to convert a string of text into ASCII code. This can be useful for many purposes, such as sending data to another computer or program that only supports ASCII code, or creating text-based data files.

To use a text to ASCII converter, just paste your text into the box on the conversion page and click "convert". The converter will then output the ASCII code for your text in seconds.


If you need to quickly and easily convert a string of text to ASCII code, this online tool is the perfect solution. It is simple and easy to use, just paste your text into the box and click "convert" for the ASCII code in seconds.


David Miller

CEO / Co-Founder

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