JSON to CSV Converter - Convert JSON to CSV Online
CSV files are often used to transfer data from one database or spreadsheet format to another. They can be opened in any text editor and are very easy to work with. JSON, on the other hand, is a bit more complicated. It's a common format for storing data in web applications, but it's not that easy to work with in spreadsheet programs. Our free online JSON to CSV converter can help you convert your JSON data into a format that can be easily imported into Excel, Google Sheets, or other spreadsheet apps. With just a few clicks, you have your data in a format ready for analysis and manipulation.
JSON (JavaScript object format)
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a simple, easy-to-use format for storing and transmitting data. It is often used for exchanging data between web applications and servers. JSON is based on the JavaScript programming language, so it's easy to work with in any JavaScript environment.
To convert JSON to CSV, you can use our free online tool. With just a few steps, you can import data into Excel, Google Sheets, or other spreadsheet apps.
CSV (Comma Separated Values)
A CSV is a text file that stores data in tabular form. The data is separated by commas and each row is called a record.
CSVs are often used to store data from spreadsheets or databases. They can be opened in any text editor, but it's best to use a spreadsheet program like Excel or Google Sheets to view and edit them.
To convert JSON to CSV, you can use our free online tool. Paste your JSON data into the input box and the output will be generated automatically.
Convert JSON to CSV
Converting JSON to CSV is easy with our free online tool! Just follow these simple steps:
1. Paste your JSON data into the input field.
2. Select whether you want to convert your data to CSV or Excel format.
3. Click the "Convert" button and your JSON data will be converted to CSV or Excel format instantly!
How to Convert JSON to CSV (With Our Free Online Tool)
To convert JSON to CSV, you need a free online tool. With just a few steps you can upload your JSON file and have it converted to a CSV file.
The first step is to select your JSON file. You can do this by clicking the "Browse" button and selecting the file on your computer. After selecting the file, click the "Upload" button.
The next step is to select which fields you want to include in your CSV file. By default, all fields are selected. However, you can choose to include only certain fields by unchecking the boxes next to the fields you don't want to include.
After making your choice, click the "Convert" button.Your JSON data will be converted into a CSV file that you can download and use in Excel, Google Sheets,
Step 1: Choose your JSON file
Before you can convert your JSON file to a CSV, you must first choose which JSON file to convert. If you're not sure which JSON file to convert, we recommend opening each file in a text editor and looking for similar data structures. After choosing your JSON file, click "Browse" to select it on your computer.
Step 2: Select target format - CSV
Assuming you have your JSON file saved and ready to be converted, the next step is to select your target format. For this example, we'll select 'CSV' as our target format.
There are two ways to convert a JSON file to CSV:
Method #1: Use an online JSON to CSV converter (such as the one from https://toolswad.com/)
Method #2: Use a text editor or spreadsheet program to manually convert the JSON file
We will use method #1 for this example. The steps are as follows:
1) Go to www.json-csv.com in your web browser
2) Click the "Choose File" button and select your JSON file from the saved location on your computer
3) Select "CSV" as your target format from the drop-down menu labeled "Output Format"
4) Click the "Convert Now" button and wait for the
conversion to complete 5) Once the conversion is complete, click the "Now" button download" to save your newly converted CSV file
Step 3: Download the converted file
If you're not sure how to download a converted file, don't worry! Our free online tool makes it easy for you. Just follow these simple steps:
1. Click the "Download" button.
2. Select the destination for the file.
3. Click "OK" to start the download.
Import data into Excel, Google Sheets, or other spreadsheet apps
To convert JSON to CSV, you need a free online tool. With just a few steps, you can easily import your JSON data into Excel, Google Sheets, or other spreadsheet applications.
First you need to go to the website:
Then you need to copy and paste your JSON data into the "Input" area. Once you've done that, click the "Convert!" button. knob. Your CSV data will then appear in the "Output" area. Finally, you can download your CSV file by clicking the "Download" button.
How to open a CSV file in Excel
If you have a CSV file, you can open it in Excel as follows:
1. Click the File tab and then click Open.
2. Navigate to the location of the CSV file you want to open.
3. Click the CSV file and then click Open.
4. The contents of the CSV file are now displayed in Excel.
Open a CSV file in Google Sheets
Assuming you have a CSV file ready, open Google Sheets and click File > Import.
This will open the import wizard. Select the "Upload" tab and then choose your CSV file.
Once you have selected your file, you will be given some options for importing the data. The most important thing to note here is the "Convert text to numbers, dates and formulas" option. This should be checked if your CSV file contains values that can be parsed as numbers or dates.
Once you've made your choices, click the "Import Data" button and your data will be imported into Google Sheets!
With our free online tool you can convert JSON to CSV quickly and easily. Just follow a few simple steps and you can import your data into Excel, Google Sheets or other spreadsheet apps in no time. Whether you want to convert a large amount of data or just a few items, our JSON to CSV converter is the perfect tool for the job. Try it today!

David Miller
CEO / Co-Founder
Our mission is to provide 100% free online tools useful for different situations. Whether you need to work with text, images, numbers or web tools, we've got you covered. We are committed to providing useful and easy-to-use tools to make your life easier.