HTML Decode
HTML Decoder - Decode HTML entities online for free
HTML Decode is the best online HTML decoder tool you will ever find. Easily decode HTML entities with our handy tool. Just copy and paste the code and watch as special characters are converted to their corresponding plain text.
What is HTML?
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications. With Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript, it forms a triad of cornerstone technologies for the World Wide Web.
What are HTML Entities?
HTML Entities are characters that have special meaning to HTML. When browsers see these entities, they know to treat them differently than other characters. For example, the entity < represents the < character. This is helpful because if you want to display the < character on a web page, you can use < instead of <. Otherwise, the browser would interpret the < as the beginning of an HTML tag and your page would be invalid.
There are many other HTML entities for different characters, including accented letters, mathematical symbols, and even emoji! You can find a full list of HTML entities here: https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_entities.asp
How to decode HTML entities
HTML entities are used to encode special characters in HTML. This can be useful when you want to display a special character on a web page, but you don't want it to be interpreted as HTML code.
To decode an HTML entity, you can use our handy tool. Just copy and paste the code into the decoding tool and watch as special characters are converted to their corresponding plain text.
What is HTML Decode?
HTML Decode is a tool that allows you to decode HTML entities back into their corresponding plain text characters. This is especially useful for dealing with special characters that are often used in HTML code but can be difficult to read or edit. Just copy and paste the code into the HTML Decode tool and watch as the special characters are converted back to their original form.
How does HTML Decoder work?
HTML Decode is a simple, online tool that takes HTML entities and converts them to their corresponding plain text characters. Just copy and paste the code into the text box and hit decode! Special characters are converted to their correct form instantly.
How to use HTML Decoder
If you've ever seen HTML code with strange characters like & lt; or & gt;, then you have encountered HTML entities. These are special characters used in HTML to represent common symbols such as < or >. While they may look strange at first, they help keep your web pages consistent and easy to read.
HTML Decode is a tool that allows you to easily convert HTML entities back to their corresponding plain text characters. Just copy and paste the code you want to decode and watch the special characters revert to their original form.
So whether you're trying to understand someone's messy HTML code or just want to clean up your own code, HTML Decode is the tool for you!
What are the benefits of using HTML Decode?
Decoding HTML entities is a convenient way to convert special characters into their corresponding plain text. This can be especially useful when dealing with code that contains a lot of special characters. HTML Decode is the best online HTML decoder tool you will ever find. Easily decode HTML entities with our handy tool. Just copy and paste the code and watch as special characters are converted to their corresponding plain text.
HTMLDecode is the perfect tool for anyone who needs to decode HTML entities. With our handy tool you can easily decode HTML entities and special characters. Just copy and paste the code and watch the characters get converted to their corresponding plain text.

David Miller
CEO / Co-Founder
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